RANS (Ritual Abuse Network Scotland)
This site is an informative and useful resource for anyone connected with ritual abuse anywhere in the world, be they survivors, counsellors, or just a concerned friend. Based in Dundee, Scotland but in todays global society we know we can help anyone, anywhere. For general information for support for abused youngsters please visit our sister site : 18 and under (see below)
The Roofie Foundation is Britain’s (and Europe’s) only agency dealing with the issues surrounding Drug Facilitated Sexual Abuse (DFSA) through drink spiking. It was founded in November 1996 when it set up a telephone help-line providing a one-stop shop advisory and information service for victims of DFSA - helping them along the road to become survivors. Through the knowledge they gained through DFSA by default the Roofie Foundation have also become experts in the growing crime of drink spiking for non-sexual reasons, mainly to facilitate robbery. This latter crime claims as many male victims as females.
Abuse Law aims to provide easy access to information for child and adult survivors of physical, sexual and psychological abuse on all aspects of this complex area of law.The site also aims to offer guidance on and understanding of the legal system of England and Wales for professionals working for survivors of abuse.
DABS A specialist book and information service for people who are overcoming childhood abuse, sexual abuse, or domestic violence, and for those who live or work with us.
DABS is one of the most unrecognised resources in the UK for all survivors and is run by a dedicated and knowledgeable activist Jenny Stuckle (read her article in Childhood Sexual Abuse section of this site) You can purchase most books ever written about surviving abuse.
NAPAC is the National Association for People Abused in Childhood. Provides support and information for people abused in childhood. NAPAC has information on groups throughout the UK, comprehesive forums and up to date news on all abuse issues.
BPD World is committed to raising awareness and reducing the stigma of mental health, but focusing on borderline personality disorder (BPD). We will do this by providing information, advice and support. They offer an information line for those with BPD or people that would like to find out more about it.
Gift From Within An international nonprofit organization is dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals. Educational materials include videotapes, books and articles for both clinicians and those experiencing PTSD.
Healthy Place is divided into various communities representing major psychological interests. The various sites within each community are listed on the front page of the community.
Women's Aid is the key agency in the UK for women and children experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse in their homes. The Women's Aid Federation of England (WAFE) is the national organisation which supports and resources the English network of 370 local refuge projects. There are also national Women's Aid Federations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. WAFE represents refuges and women and children experiencing domestic violence nationally in England.
Survivors Swindon offers specalist support to adult male survivors of child sexual abuse and adult sexual assaults, by providing a unique therapy experience, run by Survivors for Survivors, in which to overcome the traumas of your abusive past, and live your life. Survivors Swindon support adult male survivors of sexual abuse from around the world, and provide counselling sessions to male survivors, in group sessions, prisons, hostels, day centres and other agencies.
ChildLine is the UK's free helpline for children and young people. It provides a confidential telephone counselling service for any child with any problem, 24 hours a day, every day. It comforts, advises and protects. Where a child is in danger, ChildLine works with other helping agencies to ensure the child's protection.
Rape Crisis groups exist in many towns across the UK and Ireland to provide services for women and girls and will also provide information of support agencies for men. Their website aims to provide the basic information that survivors, friends and family need to access the services they need. Includes helpline numbers for the various local centres across the UK.
18 and under Offers confidential support and information to any young person, aged 18 and under, who has experienced sexual, physical or emotional abuse.
The Survivors Trust is a national umbrella agency for specialist voluntary sector services working with survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse.
Our member groups are located throughout the UK and Ireland. We welcome diversity, and yet each of our member groups is determined to be part of an extensive group that works to empower other groups and services through shared ideas and resources.
First Person Plural First Person Plural is a small UK-wide registered charity led by abuse survivors with first hand experience of complex dissociative distress. We are a membership association open to dissociative survivors, their friends, family & professional allies and anyone with an interest in dissociation who wishes to support our work. Much of our work is achieved through a mutual support model which means that members support each other with self-help tips, information etc through the medium of the newsletter and attendance at occasional open members meetings
We have tried to provide a wide cross section of sites that address some of the many issues survivors face. We will be constantly up dating this page. If you know of an informative site that we have not included please email us
Healing Our Past Experiences
Self-help and support services for adult survivors of childhood and or adult sexual abuse
Charity reg no1119389