Everyone has certain rights. Rights are anything, which we
think human beings are entitled to by virtue of their very existence
“We all have rights and an assertive person is concerned with
the rights of others as well. These rights could be written
“ we all have to………”
However I have wrote them for the individual reader to make
them into statements for themselves.”
Tony Lawson
* I have the right to state my own needs and set my own priorities
* I have the right to say yes or no for myself
* I have the right to make statements that have no logical basis and which I do
not have to justify (e.g. Intuitive ideas and comments)
* I have the right to express my feelings and emotions (anger and sadness)
* I have the right to express my values and opinions
* I have the right to be successful
* I have the right to make mistakes
* I have the right to fail (not to succeed)
* I have the right to change my mind
*I have the right to decline responsibility for other peoples problems
* I have the right to deal with others without being dependent upon them for
* I have the right to privacy
* I have the right to change myself and be an assertive person
* I have the right to be alone and independent
* I have the right to be vulnerable and need others
(Ihave added this one as many people do not allow themselves to believe
that they have this right)
* I have the right to be treated with respect as an intelligent capable human being
Add your own
(Adapted from GaeI Lindenfield’s super confidence pg. 78, Anne
Dickson’s A woman in your own right pgs 29-36,
and Beverly Hare’s Be Assertive pgs 77-86)
My favourite which took me along time to learn was
“ I have the right to say NO”
and my own is
“ I have the right to be childish and to allow my inner child their own time”
As Survivors Rights of Assertion
Healing Our Past Experiences
Self-help and support services for adult survivors of childhood and or adult sexual abuse
Charity reg no1119389
Every survivor of
sexual abuse deserves
to heal